The Importance of Physical Play

As adults, we often have a hard time understanding how children can be so invested in play; it’s all-encompassing, and often repetitive, without an apparent goal. According to Mr. Fred Rogers (yes, that Mr. Rogers), although “play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning, for children, play IS serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”

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The Movement Park
Uses of Parkour

While being a fun way to stay physically fit, parkour has many other benefits and uses! Here at The Movement Park, we strive to inspire the best in all our students through these various uses of parkour

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The Movement Park
Benefits of Laughter

Researcher Robert Provine suggests that humans have a "detector" that responds to laughter by triggering other neural circuits in the brain, which, in turn, makes more laughter. This explains why laughter is often contagious.

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The Movement Park
A History of Parkour

Originating from France in the early 1900’s, parkour is a sport that has quickly gained popularity throughout the world. From entertainment, fitness, military training, and even robotics; parkour has made its impact! Here at The Movement Park, we study parkour because the sport isn’t just about physical fitness but also about mental health and discipline.

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