Birthday Parties

Looking for a unique birthday party experience? How about a Parkour or Nerf themed party at The Movement Park?

Act quickly! Some dates are booking up to 3 months in advance!

Looking for a last minute birthday or private party in October? Check out the Glow Crazy Private Parties on our Events Page!


Check Our Availability

To search ahead for availability, please use the arrows at the top right of the calendar to scroll ahead.

By purchasing, you are agreeing to the policies listed in our FAQ below. PLEASE REVIEW BEFORE RESERVING YOUR TIME!

How to reserve your party:

If this is your VERY first time visiting The Movement Park, you will need to create an account with us before reserving your party. If you’ve visited us before or have created your account, click on the date you’d like to reserve on the calendar above and use the email associated with your account to reserve your party.

*Please note that if you have not visited us since COVID-19 you will need to create a new account. If you are not sure if you have an account with us you may email us and we will be happy to check for you.


What you get

Parkour Party

$275 (10 guests)

$10 per additional guest (Max 20)

$25 additional fee for parties over 15

Nerf Party

$300 (10 guests)

$10 per additional guest (Max 20)

$25 additional fee for parties over 15


Saturdays from 3:00-­5:00 pm.


$275 for Parkour Party

$300 for Nerf Party

*If you have membership application credits you may fill out this form to request to apply for your credits.


🎈 One instructor and one host *Additional staff members may be present for large parties.

🎈 The birthday person plus up to 10 guest participants.* $10 per additional guest, $25 additional for parties over 15, max 20.

🎈 2 hours of exclusive use for play & party festivities.

🎈 Your choice of free time or structured obstacle course or games.

🎈 A separate event room for food and gift opening.

🎈 Fridge/freezer space is available.

By purchasing, you are agreeing to the policies listed in our FAQ below. PLEASE REVIEW before reserving your time!


After You Register

Will they have a chance to do homework?

Send Your Guests Their Waiver!

Make your check-in quick and easy by requesting guest fill out their waivers before they arrive. Add the QR Code or the Bit.LY link below to your invitations! *must be signed by LEGAL GUARDIANS

Complete the form below to let us know about your party. Please note that you must FIRST reserve your party time BEFORE filling out this form.